Let's swap again!
Or rather, back for good?
In my grandmother's life, there was a basic division for clothing, for home furnishings, and for household utensils:There were the things "for good" and the things used in daily life.
The "good dress", of course, remained reserved for Sundays only. And the "gute Stube" (something like the 'parlour') was used exclusively for family celebrations and at Christmas. At other times of the year, it was not heated at all. On these special occasions, the "good cutlery" (which of course tarnished after the long time in the drawer) was polished and the "good dishes" were taken out.
Although I feel our household nowadays has double or even triple the amount of items, equipment and electrical appliances, this division into "for everyday use" and "for special occasions only" does no longer really matter. What's it like at your house?
The good thing is that we can just always use our favorite dishes, for every single breakfast as well as for eating birthday cake with all our friends. In fact, at Dirk's and my house, we swap from time to time. So when we stumble across some great vintage tableware again on our forays, we simply swap out some bowls, plates or entire sets with new finds.
If it's time for a breath of fresh air in your tableware cupboard too, we have something for you now: our new collection "Vintage Tableware". Take a look right now and get some of the fancy pieces - whether for Sundays or everydays!
Have a nice and colorful weekend!
Katja & Dirk