1, 2 or 3? 🚀Big SUMMER SALE at VINTARAMA
The more you adopt, the cheaper it gets!
A tired but happy hello from our new house! We have completed the move last week with plenty of well-motivated and persevering help.💪 As of yesterday, we also have our "new" gorgeous 60s bedroom set up. (Some of you may have been following our story on Instagram.) Yay!
Now we desperately need a break from all the boxes, sacks, cases, and all the searching for where to find something what is not in the box where it should be...
And so we thought of something nice for you: This weekend there is a big summer sale on VINTARAMA!!!
➽The more vintage treasures you adopt, the cheaper it gets:
10% discount for one item (code: SUMMER10)
20% discount for two (code: SUMMER20) and even
30% discount for three items (code: SUMMER30)!
Just enter the code when checking out. The shipping price of multiple items will then be combined automatically.
Any questions? Just reply to this email or chat with us directly on the website using the chat button. We're always happy to read from you!
Happy shopping & have a wonderful weekend,
Katja & Dirk
As always, we welcome any question and feedback!
➽ Feel free to contact us!
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