Sustainability starts in your bedroom :)
We find it a nice thought to surround ourself during life with different pieces of furniture that stay with us for a while, live our life with us and then may go to another, new home, perhaps accompany another life a bit.
Life changes after all, we humans change, our view on things, our taste changes. Just as our needs and requirements for our furniture change in different phases of life. But: Each of us can decide if we want to buy a new, cheap hardboard furniture every two years or if we prefer an old, pre-used piece with history(s).
It simply hurts us to experience again when such an old piece is carelessly disposed of. Just because it may no longer correspond to the current zeitgeist or because there is simply enough money to buy new furniture at short intervals.
So it happens from time to time that we, Dirk and I, become 'furniture rescuers'. Here you can see our latest rescue mission: a wonderful 3-piece bedroom vanity set from the 1950s that was about to be shredded. Isn't it just gorgeous!? We're excited to see where it will soon find its new forever-home!
As always, we welcome comments (below), questions and feedback!
Have a loving weekend!
Katja & Dirk
PS: Spoiler alert! There will be a giveaway in the next newsletter because we have something to celebrate. So don't miss it!!!