What do underwear, a teapot and love have in common?😉
50 shades of red
Dirk is German by birth, but Italian at heart. As a studied archaeologist, trained hobby cook and midcentury design lover, Italy is his dream country. And whenever it comes to the turn of the year, we both see red. Do you know this Italian custom? Traditionally, Italians wear red underwear on New Year's Eve. Lingerie in the color red is simply obligatory for everyone. This is supposed to bring luck (especially love luck) in the new year.
This gave me an idea (No, don't worry! It's not about underwear!): Our last newsletter for this year will celebrate the color red. First, of course, we want to say a big thank you to you, our amazing customers and motivators. Despite this difficult year, you have made it possible for us to continue living and advancing our passion for hunting and saving vintage treasures. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! On the other hand, we would like to wish you a happy, wonderful and above all healthy 2022. May many of your wishes and plans come true to make room for new ones.
In Germany, on New Year's Eve, we wish each other "Guten Rutsch ins neues Jahr!", which literally means "slide well into the new year".
So: Guten Rutsch & a happy New Year to you all!
Katja & Dirk