Suddenly it is here!
Fingers get restless
The days are getting shorter and darker. Somehow, I have an inner clock built in, which ticks again quite loudly right now. A quick survey through my address book showed that it's not just me: suddenly it's there again, the desire to knit socks and scarves, to sew huge patchwork quilts or crochet slippers. So many projects suddenly pop up that you've always had in mind.... The needlework fever rises significantly towards the end of the year. Do you know this too?
And now please read on, even if you are a man or not so much into needlework! We have the ultimate gift tip that will bring you many "Wow!" and shining eyes in return: one of our wonderful midcentury sewing boxes or sewing tables! They are so incredibly versatile, even if you have nothing to do with handicraft. Use this eye-candies, for example, as a jewelry box, as a side table or nightstand or simply to store odds and ends perfectly and neatly. Just about everyone has some stuff to stow, right?
Check out our really varied and lovingly curated collection and find your personal favorite!
Have fun with it & a great weekend too!
Katja & Dirk
➽PS: We need to postpone our announced giveaway for one week, sorry. But there will be not only one vintage surprise to win, and not two, but three of our newsletter recipients will have the chance to win a decorative (sur)prize! More about this in the next week. So stay tuned!