At some point the day will come
Keep or sell?
If you're always on the hunt for those special vintage pieces like we are, there inevitably comes a day occasionally when you make a very special find. Special in this case does not necessarily mean 'valuable' or 'unique designer piece'. I'm talking about those special finds where the decision is so incredibly hard: keep it or sell?!??
Today we have such a wonderfully harmonious pair for you, where this decision has turned out conceivably close: a beautiful kitchen wall cupboard with green-blue sliding doors and (special feature!) 7 handled containers for baking ingredients, spices, or odds and ends plus a matching extendable kitchen table made of wood with inlaid Formica surface. Both were made in the 1950s and are still in great shape for their age! These two go so perfectly with the green upholstered bentwood kitchen chairs that — at least for the photo — they just belong together.
So, who wants to adopt these midcentury treasures and gives them a loving forever-home (before I change my mind after all😉)!!!?
You can find all of them (and more lovely pieces for your kitchen) at our VINTAGE KITCHEN COLLECTION.
As always, we welcome comments (below), questions and feedback!
Have a great September weekend!
Katja & Dirk