Small but sexy!
Let your imagination run wild
One of our absolute favorite vintage furniture pieces is the 1950s - 1960s midcentury kitchen wall cabinet. At first impression, it's rather simple and unassuming. But it definitely deserves a second look!
What makes it so special for us today? Firstly, it is certainly about size and shape: Often rectangular, sometimes with trapezoidal sides, adapted to the functionality of small rooms in the post-war period. Housing was in short supply, so cabinets on the wall, hanging at head height, were often tapered down and fitted with sliding doors. These easy-to-handle formats fit well into our interior design again today.
On the other hand, of course, it is above all the lively color scheme in typical pastel shades of the time: baby blue, mint green, pale pink and vanilla yellow are frequent door colors. All in all, these little space wonders are so versatile that they can actually be used in any room these days.
Why not use them as a key holder in the hallway? Or as a cosmetics cabinet in the bathroom? Certainly also as storage for guest towels, detergent or the toy collection. Just let your creativity run wild here!
We have compiled a small but fine collection of these wonderfully pretty quick-change artists for you. Feel free to get inspired!
Have a colorful weekend & stay healthy and cheerful!
Katja & Dirk